About Halal Cosmetics
As one of Malaysia’s Leading Halal Cosmetic company, all Zelcos Laboratory products are Halal certified by the Department of Islamic Department (JAKIM). Halal Certification refers to the Halal standardization of products and services by Zelcos, in accordance with the Malaysian Halal Certification Scheme issued by the competent authority. We offer products that are manufactured using high quality ingredients and technology that comply with JAKIM. Our objective is to ensure the concept of OEM, ODM and Private Label Halal cosmetics delivered by Zelcos International meet the highest quality standards and assure our products and technology follows the Syariah requirements including aspects of handling raw materials, manufacturing, preparing, packing, storing and distribution. Our experts from R&D Department are certified as Executive Halal by the Majlis Professional HALAL, JAKIM for ensuring halal chains are secured at the Industrial level.
Zelcos Laboratory Halal certification is certified under MS 2634, Ref: 1 001-06/2014, by the Guideline for Halal Assurance management System and Malaysia Standard. According to the Malaysian Standard 2019, the halal logo under MS2634:2019 is only certified for Halal Cosmetics – General Requirements (First Revision). The certification certifies that no pork and pork derivatives used, no Khamr & no Haram material used in Zelcos Laboratory facilities. Zelcos only use Halal ingredients that are authorized by a certification body recognized by Jakim. No risk of cross-contamination with najs materials in Zelcos Laboratory facilities (included processing aids, additives, cleaning products, lubricants, etc) and only Halal gelatine certified by a certification body recognized by Jakim.